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From CAO Choices to Career Growth: Zsuzsanna's HRM Student Story

Posted by Andrea Leyden on 13 September 2024

Zsuzsanna HRM Student Story

One thing stood out to Zsuzsanna Nicoli when making her CAO choices. The BA (Honours) in Human Resource Management at NCI included the option to complete a year-long work placement in industry, meaning she would gain real-world experience and have an opportunity to apply theoretical learnings before she even graduates.

She shares insights into her work placement with Ryanair and studying HRM as well as advice for those making their CAO choices below.  

Why did you choose to study the BA (Honours) in Human Resource Management at NCI?

Like most students, I was very indecisive as to what career I would like to pursue in the future when making my CAO choices during my Leaving Certificate year. I turned to my family and friends to ask what courses they believed would ‘suit’ me. After extensive research and guidance, I came across NCI and their BA (Honours) in Human Resource Management course.

Initially what piqued my interest was the yearlong work placement offered during third year. I knew straight away this is an opportunity I would take. As a student with only retail experience, I realised that this would benefit me hugely when joining the workforce after completing the course. From completing my research, I also learned that they provide exceptional support and guidance throughout this placement.

Can you share some insights into studying Human Resource Management at NCI?

Throughout my three years with NCI, I have been able to create meaningful relationships with not only my classmates but also the lecturers. With class sizes being small, you are given the opportunity to ask lecturers any questions directly such as guidance regarding assignments. Lecturers are also always available through email and provide exceptional support.

As a student studying Human Resource Management at NCI, you are also exposed to a range of modules ranging from Accounting, Economics and Business Law to Performance and Reward Management, Organisational Behavior and Performance and Career Management Skills. This will give you a wider understanding of business and the HRM field.

NCI also hosts a handful of social events, which if you’re quiet and shy like myself, really pushes you out of your comfort zone! You are given the opportunity to network with employers as well as your classmates while improving your networking skills. Being given these opportunities really makes the difference.

You completed your work placement with Ryanair recently. Tell us about your experience working there and what you learned during your placement.

I believe my yearlong work placement with Ryanair was very beneficial and has allowed me to grow as an individual and gain confidence. My interest in Human Resource Management has increased, assuring me that I have chosen a career I will enjoy. I am so grateful I was given this opportunity to improve my current skillset while working alongside amazing individuals and getting to see how an airline is run.

Student Work Placement at Ryanair

As I am passionate about travel, I was over the moon once I was given this opportunity! I gained insights into the training Cabin Crew must complete, got to visit a training centre which led to me landing a plane for the first time (Simulator of course!) and travelling to Bergamo to onboard crew members.

I was trusted with many tasks I never dreamed of completing as an Intern. Some of these tasks included:

✈ Being given the responsibility of HR contact for bases in Dublin, Cork and Shannon.

✈ Attending and conducting meetings in line with Ryanair’s Disciplinary procedure.

✈ Onboarding an average of 100 cabin crew a month from training courses abroad onto Ryanair contracts and ensuring they are set up on the system.

✈ Drafting and issuing contracts as well as any outcome letters.

Above, I have listed a few tasks I was entrusted with throughout my placement and have contributed to my overall personal development. I was able to implement knowledge gained from my studies during my work placement. My Microsoft Excel and Word skills have also improved massively which is something I will bring back with me as I complete my final year (along with other improved skills of course!).

Do you have any advice for someone who is considering their CAO options?

What helped me when making my CAO choices was asking my family and friends for their insights as well as doing my own research into courses that interested me.

But again, this decision, although it defines what you will study, does not define your life. If you realise down the line it’s not what you want, take some time off and get to know yourself! At least you will know what you’re not looking for. Don't be too hard on yourself for a decision you made at the age on 17 or 18.

Take your time and seek the advice of an older and experienced person you trust.

Finally, what's next for you and your career?

I will soon be starting my final year and I’m still in shock as to how fast time flew by. For now, I will put my head down and try my best to adjust back into college life after the work placement year. Although I enjoyed my year of working in an office environment, I am eager to get back to learning in the classroom and graduating alongside my classmates next year.

Following the completion of my final year, I would love to travel a bit before settling into a graduate role. My aim is to return to Ryanair however I will not rule out any other opportunities.

Zsuzsanna is currently studying the BA (Honours) in Human Resource Management. Visit our CAO Hub to learn more about our courses and student life at NCI!

Topics: CAO, School of Business, HRM