NCI Blog

Discovering a Passion: Cian's Journey Studying Data Analytics through Springboard+ at NCI

Posted by Andrea Leyden on 10 July 2023
If you have been considering a career change but feel uncertain about what the future holds, Cian's story of completing a Springboard+ course in data analytics at National College of Ireland may inspire you to take action. Before discovering his passion for data analytics, Cian had a diverse career path in the finance and entertainment industries. However, he always had a knack for logic and numbers, which ultimately led him to explore the field of data analytics.
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Can Data Analytics Play an Important Role in HR at TikTok?

Posted by Andrea Leyden on 05 February 2021
Human resource management, data analytics, economics and TikTok… John Geraghty, HR Business Partner at TikTok, explains how these areas come together in his current role. Drawing from his undergraduate degree, his interest in data and economics has kept him grounded and ensured that he has always based his decisions on facts and tangible metrics. Studying the MA in Human Resource Management at NCI was a real lightbulb moment for John; he was certain that this was the field he wanted to pursue a career in. Starting off in recruitment, he soon moved into HR roles in technology companies where he developed an understanding of the impact of employee insights on business success. This sparked a desire to develop analytical skills to make decisions that would drive business growth, leading him to study the Higher Diploma in Science in Data Analytics at NCI.
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How Molly Combined Marketing and Data Analytics at RTÉ

Posted by Andrea Leyden on 06 January 2021
Molly interviewing Tommy Tiernan about his chat show, image taken pre-covid. Photo credit: Bren Murphy Rubbing shoulders with the stars isn't something you imagine doing as a data analyst. However, NCI data analytics graduate, Molly O'Dwyer, has found a way to combine her creative marketing side with her analytical strengths in her role as a Social Media and Data Lead at RTÉ where she works on shows such as The Late Late Toy Show and The Tommy Tiernan Show. While 1.5 million viewers tuned in to watch the record-breaking Late Late Toy Show in November, Molly was hard at work sharing special moments from the show with online audiences and uncovering insights from online engagements and behaviour.
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Studying Data Analytics at NCI: Frequently Asked Questions

Posted by Andrea Leyden on 14 December 2020
Data analysis is an area of great opportunity and there is increasing demand for people with these skills in the jobs market, both here in Ireland and internationally.
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30% Club Scholarship: Joanna's Data Analytics Journey

Posted by Andrea Leyden on 28 April 2020
The 30% Club is a campaign group with a single goal; to achieve better gender balance at all levels in business. One way the group strives to increase gender diversity in Irish businesses is by partnering with third-level institutions to offer scholarship programmes.
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Considering a Career Change? Hear Data Analyst Darren's Success Story

Posted by Andrea Leyden on 13 September 2019
Higher Diploma in Science in Data Analytics graduate, Darren Malone, shares his experience of studying at National College of Ireland through the Springboard+ scheme along with his advice for anyone considering a career change.
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