NCI Blog

Life After Studying Marketing Practice: Matthew’s Student Story

Posted by Kate O'Brien on 06 September 2024

Marketing Practice at NCI Student Story

Many students think about what they would like to do with their degree when they are still in college. At National College of Ireland, many courses are designed to give students direct, practical experiences alongside classroom learning to highlight how you may go on to use the qualifications gained here. 

Matthew is one of our students who really enjoyed and benefitted from the practical elements of his chosen programme, the BA (Honours) in Marketing Practice. Matthew is currently thriving in his new job and looking forward to his graduation in November having completed his degree. 

Matthew shares his experiences and insights into his study journey below. 

Can you share some insights into studying Marketing Practice? Did you enjoy the course? 

I absolutely loved studying Marketing Practice at NCI! One of the highlights was working on the Capstone project, where we got the chance to develop and present our own business ideas. The experience of starting something from the ground up was invaluable, and it taught me so much about entrepreneurship, marketing strategy, and problem-solving. The course was also well-structured, with a blend of theory and real-world application, and it gave me the confidence to turn creative ideas into actionable plans.

You mentioned that you spent a year doing work placement. Can you tell us about your experience and what you learned from this practical year?

I did my work experience placement at Amazon Web Services (AWS), where I worked in recruitment, but there was strong marketing elements involved. It was an incredible experience, giving me a unique perspective on how recruitment strategies overlap with marketing efforts, especially when it comes to employer branding and talent acquisition. I learned how to market job roles effectively, manage client expectations, and collaborate in a fast-paced team environment. This experience helped me understand the broader scope of marketing in various contexts and gave me invaluable insights into how a global tech company operates.

You took part in the pop-up event in Swords Pavilions Shopping Centre in May 2024. What was the biggest takeaway from that experience? Are you hoping to continue expanding the business?

The pop-up event was a fantastic learning experience. The biggest takeaway was seeing first-hand how consumers interact with products in a real-world setting. It gave me great insight into customer behaviour, the importance of visual merchandising, and how to capture attention in a busy retail environment. I am definitely motivated to continue exploring new business ideas and expanding on the goals I have set.

You have just stepped into a new marketing associate role, how has your time at NCI prepared you for this new career path?

NCI really boosted my digital marketing skills, which is a huge part of my new role as a marketing associate. The combination of classroom learning and first-hand experiences, like my placement at AWS and the pop-up events made the transition smoother. I feel well-prepared to tackle challenges, think creatively, and contribute to a team.

Do you have any advice for someone who is considering their CAO choices and thinking about studying marketing?

My advice would be to go for it if you are enthusiastic about marketing. The BA (Honours) in Marketing Practice at NCI is more than just an academic course; it is a practical, engaging experience that will help you develop both personally and professionally. The Capstone project, in particular, was an amazing opportunity to test the waters of starting your own business and understanding what it takes to succeed in the marketing world. The friendly environment at NCI also makes it easy to connect with others and build lasting relationships that can support you throughout your career.

Matthew studied the BA (Honours) in Marketing Practice at National College of Ireland. Visit our CAO Hub to learn more about our courses and student life at NCI!

Topics: CAO, Digital Marketing, School of Business, Marketing