NCI Blog

Set Up For Success: Sophie's Business & Work Placement Student Story

Posted by Andrea Leyden on 28 August 2024

Sophie Sherlock Business Blog Post

About to jump into her final year of studies, BA (Honours) in Business student Sophie Sherlock reflects on her experience on the course so far along with her time completing work placement in Human Resources with the Central Bank of Ireland. She also looks back to making her CAO choices and shares advice for anyone who is currently in that position.

What's next for Sophie? Watch this space! Having gained experience before she even graduates, her future is bright as she has set herself up for success, no matter what path she decides to follow.

Why did you choose to study the BA (Honours) in Business at NCI?

When the time came to fill out my CAO form in 6th year, I was unsure what exactly I wanted to study in college. I was afraid of committing to an exceedingly specific course in case I ended up not enjoying it. I studied ‘Business Studies’ for my Leaving Certificate and it was a subject that had often appealed to me because each topic was so different and this maintained my high level of interest.

When I looked into the BA (Honours) in Business course at NCI, I loved that I could study a broad variety of modules in-depth before selecting which one I would like to pursue a career in.

Examples of modules on the course include:

  • Marketing
  • Human Resource Management
  • Financial Accounting
  • Law
  • Economics

As a bonus, I noticed that there was an option to complete work placement between the second and final year of my degree. This opportunity would give me further assurance of what career path I would like to pursue by gaining first-hand experience in any sector I choose. At the end of my second year, I decided to complete a work placement in human resources as this was the module that fascinated me the most whilst completing my degree.

Can you share some insights into studying Business at NCI?

What attracted me to studying the undergraduate Business course at NCI was the ability to get a taste of all aspects of what it takes to run a business in my first 2 years. However, in my final year I can select what modules I would like to specialise in. For example, I am massively looking forward to studying my elective module ‘PR & Social Media’ in my final year, whilst some of my peers decided to study ‘Contemporary Issues in Finance’ instead. There is something for everyone in this course and you can tailor it to your own passions and interests.

I am also highly impressed with the facilities at NCI. The library always has everything I need during exam season. The Students' Union is a super unique and fun place to unwind between lecturers; and I can’t wait to see our new Spencer Dock campus building in September!

Did you know? Students who complete the Level 6 Higher Certificate in Business can potentially gain entry into year two of the Level 8 BA (Honours) in Business degree.

You completed your work placement with Central Bank of Ireland. Tell us about your experience working there and what you learned during your placement.

In my 2nd year of college, I was in contact with a student who was completing an internship at the Central Bank of Ireland. She explained that she was thriving within the organisation, which encouraged me to apply for the programme.

My role began in September 2023 as part of the Onboarding Team within the People Directorate. Gaining work experience in such a busy and fast-paced organisation taught me invaluable skills. I learned that teamwork, innovation, and communication are pivotal to the success of any project.

Sophie 5

I completed a number of tasks day-to-day such as:

  • Composing contracts
  • Setting up newly hired employees in our IT systems
  • Carrying out reference checks
  • Presenting inductions for new hires

I gained skills that I will use throughout the duration of my career, such as prioritising tasks, public speaking, and organisation. However, I didn’t realise how much I would develop on a more personal level. Completing work placement had a massive affect of my self-confidence and self-belief. I often doubted my capabilities in the world of business, yet I now feel more than ready to finish my degree and dive into my exciting career!

Do you have any advice for someone who is considering their CAO options?

My biggest piece of advice is; do not worry if you are unsure what you want to study. The vast majority of people filling out the CAO form each year are under the age of 23. It is completely normal to have no idea what career you want to have at such a young age! There is no rush to decide what you want to do with your life. Take a gap year to figure out what you are passionate about, or complete a PLC course to get a taste of a topic that might interest you in further study. It is also never too late to change careers if you decide that it is not for you.

My biggest fear whilst considering my CAO options was that I might not be happy with my decision down the line. However, I realised that a form I filled out at the age of 17 is not the be all and end all. I am glad that I am studying something that I truly enjoy, despite having no idea what interested me when I was in 6th year. Do not rush into a career, you have time.

Finally, what's next for you and your career?

I cannot wait to start my final year of my degree at NCI! I am eager to begin my classes and get back to the books one last time. I previously felt nervous about finishing college and entering the working world, but after my work placement, I am looking forward to starting my career. I will start applying to graduate roles in September. The Central Bank of Ireland has a fantastic early careers programme which I am interested in, however there are a number of companies that I would love to collaborate with so I’ll keep my eye out for what opportunities are out there. My dream job would involve combining my knowledge of HR with my passion for sports so who knows where I’ll end up!

I now have experience in the human resources industry which will look brilliant to hiring managers when reading my CV. Hopefully this will give me an edge over other recent graduates when applying to jobs. I look forward to what comes next in my journey, and I cannot thank NCI enough for the relentless support they have given me.

Sophie is currently studying the BA (Honours) in Business at National College of Ireland. Having completed her work placement with the Central Bank of Ireland, she will return to NCI to complete her final year. Visit our CAO Hub to learn more about our courses and student life at NCI!

Topics: CAO, Undergraduate, School of Business