NCI Blog

Alumni Spotlight: Startup Success for Data Science Wizards & Their AI Platform

Posted by Brenda Meira de Azevedo on 01 March 2024

Data Science Wizards Winning the Best Application of AI in a Startup Award at the AI Award Winners

A group of MSc in Data Analytics graduates came together to form Data Science Wizards (DSW), an innovative startup which enables businesses to harness the power of AI. In November 2023, DSW was announced as the winner of the "Best Application of AI in a Startup" category at the AI Awards, demonstrating their pathway to future success in this industry. 

In this blog post, the team share insights into their love for data, why they chose to study data analytics at NCI and their hopes for the future of DSW.

Why We Love Data!

We love data because it provides us with transformative knowledge that can benefit society. Data Analytics has seen a rise in popularity in recent years, and for good reason. With the advent of Big Data, algorithms, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the ability to make sense of vast quantities of data has become a vital skill for businesses and organisations across all sectors. Our passion is to make AI accessible to everyone, as we believe it should be used to its full potential to unlock business potential. That's why we developed our UnifyAI platform.

Why We Chose to Study at NCI

We come from diverse backgrounds in India, but our love for technology, data, and innovation brought us together at NCI. We knew it was the right choice because NCI's commitment to excellence in data science and strong industry links aligned with our aspirations.

The MSc in Data Analytics at NCI provided a dynamic learning environment and practical skills that became the foundation for our entrepreneurial journey. The programme taught us how to transform raw data into meaningful insights and information that fuels innovation and informs decision-making.

We are Data Science Wizards (DSW)

NCI's supportive environment has been instrumental to the development of our team in Ireland based in the College's Business Incubation Centre. Thanks to the support from Professor Paul Stynes, Dean of the School of Computing, Professor Anu Sahni, MSc in Data Analytics Programme Director, and Bertie Kelly, Commercial Manager at NCI.

We are an innovative AI startup called Data Science Wizards (DSW). Our cutting-edge platform, UnifyAI, is disrupting the industry under the guidance and support of DSW's founding and global leadership team, including Sandeep Khuperkar, CEO, Shivam Thakkar, CPO, and Ramesh Khare, COO. Our platform enables enterprises to build value chain use cases by increasing scalability and predictability, leading to greater business outcomes.

Below are the DSW team members who are NCI Data Analytics graduates:

Data Science Wizards Team

DSW and UnifyAI Success

DSW's UnifyAI platform is at the heart of our success! Its AutoAI and GenAI capabilities are revolutionising how organisations approach artificial intelligence, making it a game-changer in the AI and Data Science landscape by allowing businesses to develop and deploy AI/ML-driven use cases with ease, making it highly predictable and scalable.

DSW has been recognised as one of the ‘Top 10 Data Science companies and startups in Ireland in 2024’ by F6S, along with winning "Best Application of AI in a Startup" at the AI Awards Ireland 2023.

Watch this video to get an inside look into DSW's incredible journey:

What’s Next for DSW?

DSW's goal is to become a leading provider of AI solutions that drive innovation and transform industries. To achieve this, they are actively seeking engagement with venture capital for the next funding round. Their primary objective is to expand their business in the USA and global markets by strengthening product development, marketing, and business development teams.

The journey from NCI to the global stage exemplifies the power of education, innovation, and passion.

The DSW team in Dublin is comprised of a group of MSc in Data Analytics graduates from NCI. See the data science and artificial intelligence courses available at NCI to explore your computing study options.

Topics: School of Computing, Postgraduate Courses, International Students, Data Science