NCI Blog

Fintech and Badminton: How Barath Makes the Most of College Life

Posted by Brenda Meira de Azevedo on 24 May 2024

Baraths Fintech Student Story

Have you made plans to study abroad? If so, make sure to join some of the clubs and societies available to you as these will enhance your experience as an international student. Getting involved in college life opens opportunities to build new skills and connect with a multicultural community.

Current MSc in Fintech student Barath shares insights into studying this programme at National College of Ireland as well as his experience as President of the Badminton Club and advice for future students who wish to balance sport while studying abroad.

Meet Barath Ramesh Yadawad

Meet Barath Ramesh YadawadHello, my name is Barath, and I am currently studying the MSc in Fintech at NCI. I am from Bangalore, India, a city known as Graden city.

I chose to study in Ireland because of its well-regarded reputation in both the Finance and Technology industries as well as for the networking and personal development opportunities. The Irish landscape and culture made the idea of studying abroad in this destination even more exciting.

Why did you choose to study the MSc in Fintech at NCI?

Choosing to study Fintech was an obvious decision for me as it combines my passion for finance and technology. I chose NCI as my educational institution due to its exceptional academic standards and prime location in Dublin’s city centre.

Situated in the International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) as well as being close to the Silicon Docks where many global tech companies have their EU Headquarters means that NCI has close connections to industry. Also, the multicultural student community in the College is highly engaged so this mean I would develop a career path while making lifelong friends.

Can you share some insights into studying this course?

The one-year MSc in Fintech programme at NCI offers in-person classes taught by experienced professors and covers a wide range of topics, such as Data Governance, Blockchain, Financial Markets, Leadership, AI for Finance, Regulation, and Payment Systems.

There is a mix of group and independent assessments that supports developing soft-skills and independent research. One of the benefits of studying at NCI is the small class size which mean that you can actively engage in lectures, interact with classmates from diverse backgrounds and foster meaningful relationships throughout your studies.

How did you get involved in the Badminton Club at NCI?

My journey with badminton began back home. Inspired by the performances of international players, I delved into coaching sessions and quickly fell in love with the sport. I was looking for ways to get involved in the College so joining the Badminton Club became an obvious next step for me.

baraths Student Life at NCI

I eventually became President of the club and one of our proudest moments this year was receiving two awards at NCI’s Clubs and Societies Awards. We won 'Improved Society of the Year' for our commendable achievements in expanding the club's activities and overall impact within the campus community. Additionally, we won the 'Best Event of the Year', which is proof to our commitment to creating engaging and memorable experiences for our club members.

Can you share some insights into being a member of the Badminton Club?

The Badminton Club offers weekly three-hour practice sessions focused on enhancing skills, tactics, and learning under experienced supervision. The club organises friendly matches and takes part in tournaments, providing members with the opportunity to apply their skills in a supportive environment. This year our team's dedication and hard work resulted in us achieving the third-place in the tournament organised by Student Sport Ireland and Badminton Ireland.

Baraths Involvement in the Badminton Club at NCI

Beyond the court, the club facilitates networking, allowing members to join a like minded community of individuals who are passionate about badminton. Members socialise, share ideas and build lasting relationships.

If you're keen to connect with fellow badminton enthusiasts and participate in college-level competitions, I highly recommend joining our club and exploring leadership opportunities to contribute to the growth of the badminton community. For more information and updates, feel free to reach out to us via our Instagram account: @ncibadminton.

How do you balance study and your sporting responsibilities?

Balancing academic studies and sports requires time management and prioritisation. I allocate time for both my academic pursuits and activities related to the badminton club. Establishing achievable goals and remaining adaptable helps me navigate unforeseen challenges while staying committed to my goals. Prioritising self-care ensures the upkeep of both my physical and emotional well-being. Applying these to my daily life allows me to manage my academic workload while pursuing my passion for badminton.

Advice for Anone Thinking About Studying Abroad

Final piece of advice

International students pursuing a master's degree abroad can enhance their academic journey by joining clubs or societies at NCI. These extracurricular activities offer essential networking chances, enabling you to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Getting involved in Clubs and Societies not only enriches your overall student experience but also fosters personal growth and skill development.

I hope to meet you at one of our Badminton Club practice sessions soon!

Interested in studying abroad? Ireland could be the right destination for you! Visit the International Hub on our website to learn about our courses, scholarship and the application process.

Topics: School of Computing, Postgraduate Courses, Student Life