NCI Blog

Switching to a Career in Tech: Benefits To Consider

Posted by Conor Sisk on 10 May 2024

Switching to a Career in Tech Benefits To Consider

If changing careers and starting a new path has been on your mind for some time now, why not consider a career change into technology? It’s challenging, exciting and in Ireland, you will be given significant opportunities to really make an impact in the industry.

The recent tech boom has allowed Ireland to become one of the leading global tech hubs, attracting highly skilled professionals from abroad to come work here as well as developing home grown talent, many of whom learn and grow their skills in National College of Ireland thanks to our range of technology courses available.

Ireland is also home to 16 of the top 20 global tech companies’ European Headquarters which employ more than 106,000+ people across the country (IDA Ireland).

If it is an area that you are interested in starting a career in, we’ve highlighted below just some of the benefits that a career in tech can offer!

1. High Demand

Due to the tech industry continuously evolving and growing, demand for skilled tech professionals is always high. With massive advancements in fields like artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and data science in recent years, there are amble opportunities for career growth and advancement for professionals with specialised skills in these areas.

If any of these areas interest you, you’re in luck! NCI offers programmes in all these specialisations, providing students with the skills and expertise to make a real and immediate impact in their careers. Further information on these courses can be found below:

2. Multiple Career Paths

Tech is a broad and exciting field with many diverse career paths to explore. Whether you're interested in software development, data analysis or cybersecurity, a tech career will provide you with the opportunities to pursue a path that aligns exactly with your skills, interests, and goals.

Additionally, the skills learned in tech are often transferable across multiple industries, providing flexibility and versatility in your career trajectory.

If switching career paths is something you have been considering, why not check out the Springboard+ programmes on offer at NCI? These are a range of courses that are offered for free to those who are currently unemployed or at 10% of the admissions fee to those in employment and are designed to address skills shortages in the workforce.

To see what courses are currently available, check out our Springboard+ page.

3. Creativity

If innovation and creativity are two of your strongest skills, then you will potentially thrive in a career in a tech sector, where both these skills are highly sought after. Companies working in this industry are constantly looking to improve processes and find new ways of completing tasks so being able to think outside the box effectively will be highly rewarded.

A tech career will provide you with opportunities to work on cutting-edge projects, solve complex problems, and contribute to the development of new technologies that have a positive impact on society. So, whether you are developing technology to improve patient care in hospitals or researching new sustainable energy solutions, a career in tech will allow you to showcase your innovative skillset.

By now the thought of switching to tech must be very enticing! If you are interested but unsure how to make the switch, then check out our blog “How to Transition to a Career in Tech: 5 Steps to Follow”, which will provide some guidance on how to get started.

4. Remote Work Opportunities

Like many companies in the post-COVID era, tech companies have adopted a flexible work model, allowing their staff the opportunity to work from their own home.

This approach has generally been successful for companies, with a report from Prosperity in 2023 highlighting that 59% of employees in Ireland showed increased productivity when working remotely.

This flexibility can provide many benefits to both employer and employee. Employers can reduce the need for expensive office space and equipment, while employees can eliminate commuting costs.

It also gives tech professionals the opportunity to potentially work for companies overseas that adopt this working model, increasing the pool of job opportunities available.

5. Competitive Salaries

The tech industry is known for paying its staff relatively high salaries compared to other industries. This is due to several reasons, including:

  • Tech professionals are in high demand and can negotiate higher salaries as a result.
  • Companies are willing to offer competitive packages in order to attract the top tech talent and help them stay ahead of the curve.
  • Cities which have grown and developed into “Tech Hubs” in recent years, including Dublin, New York City and Seattle, also have a higher cost of living, which companies aim to ease for their employees with higher salaries or a perks package (accommodation, cover transport costs for example).

NCI’s Springboard+ and Human Capital Initiative (HCI) courses in computing are a great way to quickly learn and develop the skills required for a career in tech. Visit the Springboard+ page on our website for full details.

Springboard+ HCI Programmes September 2024


Topics: Springboard+, Part-time Courses, School of Computing, Advice, Career Tips