NCI Blog

Why Studying Blockchain Should Be Your Next Career Move

Posted by Conor Sisk on 28 November 2022

Studying Blockchain with Springboard+

Many people immediately think cryptocurrencies when they hear the word Blockchain, partly because of its long association as the technology on which Bitcoin runs. However, there is a growing use of blockchain technology across many sectors.

Sometimes referred to as distributed ledger technology, a Blockchain is an electronic record that is held on a network that all participants can access. Blockchain aids in the creation of a permanent record of transactions. Each of them is saved in a machine and is connected to the one before it.

Blockchain is highly secure, traceable, and reliable, which has led to its surge in popularity in recent years. To learn more about Blockchain, check out our blog How To Get Your Head Around Blockchain.

If you’re considering your next career move, planning to advance into a senior role or researching how to be a step ahead of industry changes, specialising in blockchain is the way to do it. Here’s how studying the Higher Diploma in Science in Blockchain in National College of Ireland could accelerate your career.

1. Diverse Technology

A major reason for the rise in popularity of blockchain technology is that it is highly diverse and can be adopted across a range of different industries. This is evident in the fact that several industries have already begun embracing this technology, including:

  • Supermarkets: The supply chain in supermarkets through 100% traceable products
  • Payments: For instant payment processing across the globe with transactions confirmed in minutes
  • Voting: Implemented as the sole guarantee when voting, with all citizens votes stored permanently and securely with no possibility of tampering
  • Identification: Enabling the digital identification of billions of people around the world, eliminating the need for traditional physical documentation when travelling abroad
  • Health: Tamperproof and convenient access to your medical records directly from the blockchain, anywhere in the world.

As more industries continue to adopt the technology, the requirement for hiring blockchain experts will increase, making now the perfect time to earn a qualification in this field. The Higher Diploma in Science in Blockchain from NCI will equip learners with the necessary blockchain skills that will allow them to bring real value and expertise to any industry in the future.

Places are still available on the Higher Diploma in Science in Computing specialising in Blockchain starting on the 23rd September 2024. This course is funded by Springboard+.

2. Excellent Employment Opportunities

From crypto start-ups to established companies, the job market looks good for blockchain enthusiasts, and it is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. As blockchain is increasingly becoming a transferable skill, graduates from the Higher Diploma in Science in Blockchain will leave NCI with the opportunity to join a wide range of industries, increasing their chances of landing that dream job.

Companies that have hired NCI blockchain graduates in recent years include:

  • Shamrock Space Services
  • Mastercard
  • Bank of America
  • Permanent TSB
  • The Citco Group
  • OpenJaw Technologies
  • Cognizant

3. Lucrative Roles

Due to the increasingly high demand for their skills, blockchain experts are now the most sought-after professionals in the programming world. Recruiting platform Glassdoor found an increase of 300% of blockchain roles being advertised in August 2018 against the same period the previous year.
With companies willing to embrace the blockchain revolution amidst fears of falling behind competitors, companies are ready to highly reward individuals in this area for their work. Average salaries for blockchain roles are highlighted below:

  • Backend Developer - $110,000 (€105,000)
  • Blockchain Developer - $136,000 (€130,000)
  • Business Development - $122,500 (€117,000)
  • Engineer - $127,000 (€121,000)
  • Software Engineer - $119,000 (€113,740)

The Higher Diploma in Science in Blockchain from NCI will provide learners with the skills required for these roles.

4. Be at the Forefront of Innovation and Change

As companies continue to find new ways to conduct business using blockchain technology, blockchain professionals can ensure that they will have the necessary skills to lead these blockchain projects for their team.

With a Higher Diploma in Science in Blockchain from NCI, our learners will have the opportunity to play key roles in an organisation, potentially becoming the key decision maker when implementing new blockchain technologies and leading their company into a new age of cybersecurity.

Interested in taking that next step in your career? NCI has a wide range of Springboard+ courses designed to address skills shortages in the workforce, as well equipping you with new skills and techniques. Visit our Springboard+ Courses page to learn more.

Springboard+ HCI Programmes September 2024


Topics: Springboard+, Part-time Courses, Postgraduate Courses