Autism and the Foundations of Language and Communication Interdisciplinary Conference
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Emily Ferns on 10 March 2015
27th – 29th March Trinity Long Room Hub With a Guest Lecture by Keynote Speaker Melissa Allen in NCI on Friday 27th March at 11am. This international and interdisciplinary conference will bring together researchers in the field of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Speakers from psychology, linguistics and philosophy will discuss the nature of language and thought with regard to Autism Spectrum Disorder and other neurodevelopmental disorders. The conference is hosted by Trinity College Dublin’s Arts & Humanities Research Institute, and is a collaboration between National College of Ireland, and different departments and schools within TCD (The School of Psychology, The School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences, The School of Social Sciences and Philosophy).
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New Psychology Series Kicks off at National College of Ireland
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Emma Henderson on 06 March 2015
We didn’t shy away from the big questions at the first event of the new series of In The Psychologists’ Chair. Dr Tony Bates, founder and CEO of Headstrong, The National Centre for Youth Mental Health, spoke to a full house on the topic of “Who am I, where am I, and why am I here?”. Drawing on Buddhist parables, poetry and his own extensive experience in working with young people, Dr Bates spoke on the importance of waking up and walking into our own life. Life is that constant losing and finding of your way, he said, and while suffering is inevitable, how we manage it is key.
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In the Psychologists' Chair in Association with the Irish Times
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Emily Ferns on 26 February 2015
National College of Ireland is delighted to announce the return of the very popular lunchtime series In the Psychologists' Chair. The event series will cover topics such as the psychology of homicidal behaviour, the effects of loneliness on your heart and how to apply psychology to education.
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The Reality of Cyberbullying: Overview of Latest Psychology Event at NCI
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Emma Henderson on 10 March 2014
Winning: The Mindset for Success
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Emma Henderson on 06 March 2014
NCI's psychology series continues with Dave Malone of Paralympics Ireland High performance is all about coping at the edge of chaos, we were told at the latest in NCI’s series of free lunchtime events, In The Psychologists’ Chair. The events, in association with The Irish Times, continued with guest speaker Dave Malone, one of Ireland’s most decorated Paralympics athletes and the recently appointed Performance Manager for Paralympics Ireland. If you would like to study psychology in Dublin, this series is a must.
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In the Psychologists' Chair - Inside the Mind of a Psychopath
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Emily Ferns on 27 February 2014