NCI Blog

A Bright Future: Andrew's Work Placement Experience and Study Journey

Posted by Andrea Leyden on 03 August 2023
After a successful year completing his work placement with PwC UK in Edinburgh, Andrew Conlon is preparing to return to National College of Ireland to begin his final year of undergraduate business studies. During his work placement, Andrew was presented with the opportunity to begin his Chartered Accountant exams, which he passed with flying colours, as well as work from various offices across the UK, meet lots of new people and make lifelong memories but now, he is ready to apply the practical experience he has gained during his placement to his studies.
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Insights into Studying Data Science at NCI: Niamh's Story

Posted by Andrea Leyden on 26 June 2023
In this blog post, Niamh Daly shares her journey studying the BSc (Honours) in Data Science at National College of Ireland. She recalls her interest in data analysis from a young age, how she learned NCI's course was a perfect fit for her as well as he experience completing her work placement with Dell Technologies. Finally, Niamh discusses her final year project which focuses on the impact of the weather on Formula One and won the overall prize at the Computing Project Showcase recently.
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Why Study Computing? 4 Reasons Why Now Is The Best Time To Start

Posted by Conor Sisk on 29 March 2023
It is almost impossible to find an industry or business in our world today that has not been changed by technological advancement in recent times. Whether you are a farmer using agricultural technology to improve crop productivity, or an accountant using automation software to reduce paper usage, technology has streamlined important processes in businesses, allowing them to be more efficient, safer and profitable.
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Work Placement: The 'Cherry on Top' for HRM Student Caoimhe

Posted by Andrea Leyden on 02 March 2023
As a teenager or young person starting your adult life, the choices you make, such as deciding whether to continue your studies to third-level and which college and course to choose, may be based on examples you see around you. For instance, you might think that you wouldn't be able to work at a desk job for 8 hours a day as you don't see examples of this in your life. As a result, you don't understand the rewarding challenges such a professional can face and the little wins that drive them to continuously learn and build new skills in their role, ultimately leading to personal growth and job satisfaction.
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5 Benefits of Pursuing a Career in Accounting and Finance

Posted by Conor Sisk on 20 December 2022
Have you ever considered studying accounting and finance? Accounting and Finance continues to remain a popular undergraduate and postgraduate course in Ireland, with Chartered Accountants Ireland highlighting a 70% increase in those studying the subject at higher level since 2011.
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Getting Ahead of the Game with Work Placement at L'Oréal

Posted by Andrea Leyden on 14 October 2022
One of the biggest things we at NCI pride ourselves on is that the College provides industry-oriented courses which offer a clear link between academia and business. Trinity's story exemplifies this focus as she takes us through the careers support she received during the application process right up to where she sees herself going next with L'Oréal, the company she is currently completing her work placement programme with.
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Available Places: Another Chance to Study at NCI in September

Posted by Andrea Leyden on 05 August 2022
Missed the CAO deadline or you're unhappy with your previous course choices? You still have a chance to attend NCI this September through the Available Places facility! Further information can be found on our Available Places hub.
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Why Study Human Resource Management? Here Are 8 Big Benefits To Consider

Posted by Andrea Leyden on 15 June 2022
Human resource management professionals are at the heart of successful organisations. HR teams around the world were the unsung heroes of the corporate world during the pandemic as they supported their colleagues during the big shift to remote working. They constantly keep up with the latest trends such a flexible working models, employment legislation, employee wellness, people analytics, upskilling and more.
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Creating Digital Stories with Children in Early Childhood Education Settings

Posted by Andrea Leyden on 02 June 2022
As part of the Centre for Education and Lifelong Learning at National College of Ireland’s Festival of Education and Lifelong Learning, a practice-based early childhood education seminar took place. This event focused on the opportunity digital storytelling represents as a pedagogical tool in early childhood education and Reflective practice in ECEC Educator preparation. Part one of the seminar, which focused on digital storytelling, was facilitated by Dr Marianne Undheim, Associate Professor and Lecturer at the University of Stavanger, Norway.
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CAO Advice: Why You Should Consider a Higher Certificate in Business

Posted by Teresa Murray on 07 March 2022
There are many reasons why someone would choose to do a Higher Certificate (Level 6) after Leaving Certificate, rather than go directly onto an Honours Degree (Level 8) course.
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