NCI Blog

Five Things To Know Before #CareerZoo

Posted by Gerard McQuillan on 11 October 2016


Whether you’re graduating from college this year or just simply on the lookout for a new job, Career Zoo is a great place to start. Not only will you get the chance to meet some of the leading Irish and multinational employers that are recruiting right now, but you will also get the opportunity to attend insightful panel discussions with industry leaders which run throughout the day. So if you’re heading along to Career Zoo this weekend here’s our top tips to ensure you get the most out of your day.

1. Register in advance

It’s a well-known fact that nobody likes queueing. So make sure you register for Career Zoo in advance to gain faster entry on the day. Registration is completely free and is open until 9pm on Thursday. So sign up now and avoid the queue.

2. Dress for success

Just like an interview, you should dress to impress. While you won’t be interviewed by recruiters and HR staff on the day, you will still come face-to-face with them and your first impressions really do count. So make sure you've dressed appropriately as first impressions are difficult to change.

3. Research the companies

With approximately 80 employers and 50 speakers attending Career Zoo on Saturday, getting around all of them will be pretty much impossible. So before you attend Career Zoo on Saturday, we suggest you research which companies will be exhibiting and make a list of which ones you want to talk with. A structured plan will save you valuable time and is the best way to get the most out of your day.

4. Download the app

Downloading Career Zoo’s app will allow you to upload your CV in advance and share it digitally with employers on the day. This is a must as most employers on the day will not accept hard copies of CV's. In addition Career Zoo's app also has plenty of other useful features, such as the app's live newsfeed.

5. Try to make a connection

Don't waste people's time by asking questions you should know the answers to. Don't even think of asking, "What does your company do?". You'll just come across as ill-prepared or ill-informed. Instead, use the time to try and make a personal connection with the people on the stand. Make eye contact, be personable, give them your elevator pitch and try to get their business card so you can follow up with a quick, polite email later. 

If you're attending Career Zoo this weekend, then make sure to stop by NCI's stand. Our team of experts will be on hand to answer any questions you may have about NCI's suite of part-time and postgraduate courses.


Topics: Part-time Courses